Google Goes Hands-Free With Driverless Cars

The reigning giant of the media industry, Google, has officially come forward to throw its hand in the drive less technology ring — only their idea of going hands-free includes the steering wheel. Releasing their first driverless car prototype, Google plans to build roughly 100 of the models and then test them on public roads within the next year years.

Google boasts that the cars feature no accelerator, brake pedal and no steering wheel; only a push button to start and stop the car. If you’re worried that the car won’t be safe, don’t; built-in sensors detect objects up to 720-feet away to keep accidents at bay. Plus, the prototype and the yet-to-be-released models will come with cap speeds of 25 miles per hour.

Chris Urmson, director of the program, says “If all goes well, we’d like to run a small pilot program here in California in the next couple of years. We’re going to learn a lot from this experience, and if the technology develops as we hope, we’ll work with partners to bring this technology into the world safely … The vehicles will be very basic — we want to learn from them and adapt them as quickly as possible — but they will take you where you want to go at the push of a button. That’s an important step toward improving road safety and transforming mobility for millions of people.”

Here’s to the open road – with just the push of a button.

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